Investing in efficient, new homes locally
"Energy efficient homes are environmentally friendly, enjoy higher resale values and save their owners anywhere from $200-$400 annually in energy costs."
- The Residential Energy Network (RESNET®)

We are partnering with select builders who want to offer higher performing homes.
These homes satisfy the Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready Home certification, one of the most rigorous home certification standards available.
"We love the lowered maintenance and the energy savings of our Zero Energy Ready Home"
- Homeowner in Gettysburg, PA (Source)
How do high-performance homes provide value?
- New homes built to certifications above code have additional value, such as greater comfort, cleaner air, quieter, lower energy use, and lower utility bills.
- Energy-saving features such as extra insulation, air-tight construction, high efficiency heating, cooling, appliances, lighting are standard on all high-performance homes.
- Positioning the home to capture heat and power from the sun is a key step for highly efficient homes. This positioning also enables the addition of solar panels to offset energy usage.
Let’s show Pennsylvania that homes can be more comfortable, healthier, efficient, and environmentally sensitive.
"Very few builders have used proven innovations that deliver high-performance with superior user experiences at the lowest cost. Now is a good time to adopt the advanced technologies and practices for getting to zero most affordably. Our environment and national security depend on it."
- Sam Rashkin, Former Chief Architect with U.S. DOE Building Technologies Office and author of Housing 2.0, A Disruption Survival Guide
New home certification basics: efficiency is a spectrum.
When you shop for a new home, remember that not all homes are created equal. Building codes only establish minimums for health, safety, and durability. There are many steps that builders can take to build better than code.
The four model homes in this program are being built to the Zero Energy Ready standard. They will be 10-20% more efficient than a code house. They will also have systems to create healthier indoor air.
Here’s an overview of different energy efficiency standards:
1. Basic homes are required to be built to code.
2. ENERGY STAR® certified homes are 10-20% more efficient than code homes.
3. Zero Energy Ready Homes are even more efficient and offer better indoor air quality and water conservation.
4. Passive Homes are generally the most energy efficient homes available without solar.
5. Net Zero Homes are a step above Zero Energy Ready or Passive Homes and add enough renewable power to “zero-out” annual energy costs.
Learn more about Zero Energy Ready Homes compared to other certification standards.
2023-2024 Model homes
We are proud to work with the following builders. Click a builder's name to jump to their project details:
- Alden Homes (Mount Joy, PA)
- R. W. Buff Construction (Buck Hill Falls, PA)
- McNaughton Homes (Harrisburg and Mechanicsburg, PA)
- Susquehanna Valley Builders (Mechanicsburg, PA)
Model Home #1 — Alden Homes
- Website:
- Contact: [email protected]
- Handout: download PDF
- Webinar: click here to watch
- Video: click below
Model Home #2 — R.W. Buff Construction
- Website:
- Contact: [email protected]
- Handout: download PDF
- Video: click below
Model Home #3 — McNaughton Homes
- Website:
- Contact: Emilie Brown at [email protected] or (717) 775-4368
- Handout: download PDF
- Webinar: click here to watch
- Video: click below
Model Home #4 — McNaughton Homes All-Electric Home
- Website:
- Contact: Emilie Brown at [email protected] or (717) 775-4368
- Handout: download PDF
- Webinar: click here to watch
- Video: click below
Model Home #5 — Susquehanna Valley Builders
- Website:
- Contact: [email protected]
- Handout: download PDF
- Video: click below
Shopping for a new home?
Ask the builder what advanced certification the home has achieved. To learn more, connect with our current builder partners or visit our New Homes Program page. You can also reach us by phone at (844) 567-2236.