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Central A/C, Central Heat Pumps, and Mini-Split Ductless Heat Pumps

Stay comfortable and save all year long with rebates for your new HVAC system. Rebates include Early Replacement and Replace on Burnout.  To qualify, the efficiency rating must meet minimum requirements as specified in the table below.

System TypeBTUh CapacitySEER2EER2HSPF2
Central A/C, Mini-Split A/C< 45,000 BTUh14.3 SEER211.7 EER2N/A
Central A/C, Mini-Split A/C≥ 45,000 BTUh13.8 SEER211.2 EER2N/A
Heat Pump, Mini-Split Heat PumpN/A14.3 SEER211.7 EER27.5 HSPF2
All Systems*N/A≥ 15.2 SEER29.8 EER27.5 HSPF2
*If system is rated 15.2 SEER2 or higher, minimum EER2 becomes 9.8 EER2.

Eligibility requirements for ALL HVAC rebates:

  • New system efficiency ratings and BTUH will be verified using corresponding AHRI certificate. The AHRI certificate can be found at https://ahridirectory.org/ and must match the new system (condenser, coil, and furnace) model numbers.
  • New system tonnage will be verified using the HVAC Conversion Chart.
  • Model and serial number(s) for each newly installed inside and outside unit must be listed on the contractor invoice.
  • These rebates apply to home improvement or retrofit projects only. Must be a one-for-one replacement.
  • To qualify for rebates, all HVAC equipment must be installed by an HVAC contractor licensed within the state of Texas.
  • Permit number must be provided for all HVAC projects completed within San Antonio city limits.

To qualify for an Early Replacement Rebate:

  • Your existing HVAC equipment must be operational.
  • All existing equipment MUST be less than 25 years if applying for central systems and less than 20 years old if applying for heat pump systems.
  • Photos, model, and serial numbers of your existing equipment must be provided. If any information is not provided, the rebate will be processed as a Replace on Burnout.

Early Replacement Rebate Payout for Central A/C, Central Heat Pump, and Ductless Mini-Split:

 Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5
SEER Ratings≥ 13.8–15.1 SEER2≥ 15.2–16.1 SEER2≥ 16.2–17.0 SEER2≥ 17.1–19.9 SEER2≥ 20.0 + SEER2
Early Replacement Rebate Payout$115/cooling ton$130/cooling ton$175/cooling ton$250/cooling ton$310/cooling ton
For SEER Ratings, see AHRI certificate.

Replace on Burnout Rebate Payout for Central A/C, Central Heat Pump, and Ductless Mini-Split:

 Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5
SEER Ratings≥ 13.8–15.1 SEER2≥ 15.2–16.1 SEER2≥ 16.2–17.0 SEER2≥ 17.1–19.9 SEER2≥ 20.0 + SEER2
Replace on Burnout Rebate Payout$90/cooling ton$120/cooling ton$150/cooling ton$225/ cooling ton$275/cooling ton
For SEER Ratings, see AHRI certificate.

Additional details and requirements are listed on the rebate application. Apply online or download the PDF form. For faster processing time, apply online.

Apply for Rebate



Window A/C Units

ENERGY STAR®-certified window A/C units now save even more energy and money with better sealing and insulation materials that keep you cool and comfortable. Newly installed window air conditioner units must be ENERGY STAR® certified and meet the efficiency requirements below to qualify for a rebate.


Window air conditioner rebates

Capacity (BTU/hr)Minimum CEERRebate
Louvered Sides> 8,000 and < 14,00012$15
> 14,000 and < 20,00011.8$15
> 20,000 and < 25,00010.3$25
> 25,0009.9$25
Non-Louvered Sides> 8,000 and < 11,00010.6$15
> 11,000 and < 14,00010.5$15
> 14,000 and < 20,00010.2$25
> 20,00010.3$25
Equipment must be ENERGY STAR rated and must meet the minimum efficiency.


Additional details and requirements are listed on the rebate application. Apply online or download the PDF form. For faster processing time, apply online.

Apply for Rebate